Publications and Preprints

For a more up-to-date list of my publications see my google scholar.

Using Persistent Homology to Analyze Access to Resources with Heterogeneous Quality

Gillian Grindstaff, Abigail Hickok, Sarah Tymochko, Jiajie Luo, and Mason A. Porter

In Preparation, 2024.

A Deffuant–Weisbuch Model of Opinion Dynamics with Adaptive Confidence Bounds

Max Collins*, Zhuying Gong*, Arie Ogranovich*, Nicholas White*, Mason A. Porter, and Sarah Tymochko

In Preparation, 2024.

A Topological Approach for Motion Track Discrimination

Tegan H. Emerson, Sarah Tymochko, George Stantchev, Jason A. Edelberg, Michael Wilson, and Colin C. Olson

Research in Computational Topology 2, 2022.

Published Version     arXiv Version

The Impact of Changes in Resolution on the Persistent Homology of Images

Teresa Heiss, Sarah Tymochko, Brittany Story, Adélie Garin, Hoa Bui, Bea Bleile, and Vanessa Robins

Proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2021.

Published Version     arXiv Version

Con Connections: Detecting Fraud from Abstracts using Topological Data Analysis

Sarah Tymochko, Julien Chaput, Timothy Doster, Emilie Purvine, Jackson Warley, and Tegan Emerson

Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), 2021.

Published Version

Classifying Sleep States Using Persistent Homology and Markov Chain: a Pilot Study

Sarah Tymochko, Kritika Singhal, and Giseon Heo

Advances in Data Science, 2021.

Published Version      arXiv Version

Argumentative Topology: Finding Loop(holes) in Logic

Sarah Tymochko, Zachary New, Lucius Bynum, Emilie Purvine, Timothy Doster, Julien Chaput, and Tegan Emerson

arXiv:2011.08952, 2020.

arXiv Version

Using Zigzag Persistent Homology to Detect Hopf Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems

Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, and Firas A. Khasawneh

Algorithms, 2020.

Published Version     arXiv Version

Using Persistent Homology to Quantify a Diurnal Cycle in Hurricane Felix

Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, Jason Dunion, Kristen Corbosiero, and Ryan Torn

Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020.

Published Version       arXiv Version

Adaptive Partitioning for Template Functions on Persistence Diagrams

Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, and Firas A. Khasawneh

Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), 2019.

Published Version      arXiv Version

Chatter Diagnosis in Milling using Supervised Learning and Topological Feature Vectors

Melih Yesilli, Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, and Firas Khasawneh

Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), 2019.

Published Version       arXiv Version

Fairest Edge Usage and Minimum Expected Overlap for Random Spanning Trees

Nathan Albin, Jason Clemens, Derek Hoare, Pietro Poggi-Corradini, Brandon Sit, and Sarah Tymochko

Discrete Mathematics, 2021.

Published Version       arXiv Version

* denotes authors contributed equally

underline denotes undergraduate students mentored 

Other Written Work

Topological Approaches for Quantifying the Shape of Time Series Data

Sarah Tymochko

PhD Dissertation, 2022.

Link to Dissertation

Teaspoon: A Comprehensive Python Package for Topological Signal Processing

Audun D. Myers, Melih Yesilli, Sarah Tymochko, Firas Khasawneh, and Elizabeth Munch

Topological Data Analysis and Beyond Workshop at NeurIPS, 2020.

Link to Paper


Topological Analysis of Complex Networks

Sarah Tymochko and Audun Myers

SIAM DSWeb Media Gallery, 2022.

Link to Article

In grad school I was interviewed on the "Journeys of Scientists" podcasts hosted by Michigan State University WaMPS (Women and Minorities in the Physical Sciences) graduate student organization. You can find my episode here: